Anthony Heng Receives 2022 UW 50th Reunion Scholarship, Rex & Ruth Robinson Scholarship
Congratulations to Anthony Heng for receiving the 2022 UW 50th Reunion Student Assistance Fund Scholarship and 2022 Rex & Ruth Robinson Scholarship in Chemistry! Anthony was also a 2021 Mary Gates Research Scholar.
Sarah Nick is a 2021-2022 ITHS TL1 Trainee
Congratulations to Sarah Nick for receiving the 2021-2022 Institute of Translational Health Sciences TL1 Training Grant! Sarah also received the UW College of Engineering Dean’s Fellowship in 2019.
Tatum Prosswimmer Receives CoE Dean’s Fellowship & MBTG
Congratulations to Tatum Prosswimmer for receiving the College of Engineering Dean’s Fellowship and the Molecular Biophysics Training Grant!
Dylan Shea Publishes in PNAS
Dylan Shea, graduate student in Molecular Engineering in the Daggett Lab, is first author on a paper in PNAS demonstrating that the toxic form of the beta-amyloid peptide contains alpha-sheet structure and complementary de novo alpha-sheet peptides inhibit the toxicity in in vitro, in cells, and in two different AD animal models.
Daggett Group Research in Medical News Today
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Daggett Group Research in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
The Daggett Groups research was featured in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News Read the Article
Dylan Shea Spurs Elon Musk to Commit to Clean Water for Flint, MI
Dylan Shea, musician and molecular engineer of the Daggett Lab, spurred Elon Musk to state his commitment to supply houses in Flint, Michigan with clean water!
Natasha Paranjapye is a 2018 Mary Gates Research Scholar
Congratulations to Natasha Paranjapye who received a Mary Gates Research Scholarship for 2018!
Timothy Bi is a WRF Fellow
Congratulations to Timothy Bi who received a Washington Research Foundation Fellowship for 2017-2018!
Steven Hsu is a 2017 Mary Gates Research Scholar
Congratulations to Cheng-Chieh Hsu (aka Steven) who received a Mary Gates Research Scholarships for 2017!
Valerie Daggett Inducted as 2017 AIMBE Fellow
WASHINGTON, D.C.— The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) has announced the pending induction of Valerie Daggett, Ph.D., Professor of Bioengineering, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, to its College of Fellows. Dr. Daggett was nominated, reviewed, and elected by peers and members of the College of Fellows . The College of Fellows…